What are some frequently asked questions about GoTime?

Table of Contents

Leave Balance FAQs

How is leave calculated in GoTime?

  • The calculation is the Beginning Balance (Banner form PEALEAV) + Total Accrued (Banner form PEALEAV) – Leave Taken (GoTime) = Leave Balance.
  • Leave is deducted from the leave balance in GoTime once the employee submits the time off request
  • Please note the official source of balance information is derived from the Banner system. Final balances will be updated directly to the PEALEAV form in Banner.


Is GoTime projecting my full year’s accrual and displaying this?

  • No. GoTime is pulling your actual Beginning Balance adding in your Accrual (this changes with each payroll) and subtracting leave requests made in GoTime.
  • Information on your accruals can be found at this link: https://www.hr.uillinois.edu/cms/One.aspx?portalId=4292&pageId=5658


Can I request leave time that I have not accrued yet?

Yes but approval is determined at the unit level if you will be allowed to use time off before it has been accrued.

My leave balance looks inflated, is it correct?

  • Due to timing, leave balances were inflated initially. Since Bi-Weekly Pay Period 19 (pay period covering August 22, 2021 – September 4, 2021) has processed the leave balances should be correct and reflect the amounts showing in Banner form PEALEAV that have been accrued
  • For AP and Faculty using GoTime since the Monthly Pay Period 9 (pay period covering August 16, 2021 – September 15, 2021) has processed leave balances should also be correct.


Login FAQs

I cannot log in, my NetID and password is not recognized.

  • If a supervisor or employee cannot log in they should report this to their unit HR, who should first check the import template to make sure the employee’s UIN is listed correctly.
  • Unit HR should also confirm the employee is logging in with the Net ID (not UIC Email).
  • If they have been imported correctly and are using their Net ID to log in their unit HR can open a ticket with Technology Solutions.
  • If they haven’t been imported, unit HR should send a new import template to Cheri Canfield to have them imported.


When logging into GoTime, it says “NetID or password is invalid”, why do I receive this error?

There are various reasons you might get this error message

  • Incorrect username. GoTime requires your UIC Netid and your UIC password to login. Your UIC netid is the first part of your UIC email without “uic.edu”. Example, if my UIC email is janed@uic.edu then my netid is just janed.
  • Incorrect password. GoTime requires the same password that is needed to login to access your UIC Email. Try logging into http://outlook.uic.edu to verify if you are using the correct password.
  • Your UIC password many have expired, use this link to reset your password https://password.uic.edu
  • You are a UIH employee and some times passwords are not synced properly between the UIH and UIC systems, you may need to reset your password https://password.uic.edu 
  • Reach out to GoTime technical support if you have tried everything and still receive that error message. Support Website Link


Job/Position Change or Separation FAQs

I am separating from the University how is my vacation time updated?

Your unit HR should ensure approved usage is updated/reconciled directly in PEALEAV prior to processing the vacation payout.


What steps need to occur in GoTime by the supervisor when an employee is moving into another vacation eligible position?

  • Supervisors need to ensure that approved usage is updated/reconciled directly on the Banner form PEALEAV prior to the start of the new role.
  • Examples would include movement into another vacation eligible role, such as Promotions, Reassignments, etc.
  • Once the balances have been reconciled by the unit, the HR Service Center will move the balances to the new position.


What steps need to occur in GoTime by the supervisor when an employee moves into a position that is not benefit eligible and does not accrue Vacation/Sick time (i.e. Civil Service moving to Extra Help)?

  • Supervisors need to ensure that approved usage is updated/reconciled directly on the Banner form PEALEAV prior to the individual moving into the new role.
  • On the HR Front End transaction, the Employee Data component will need to be selected to trigger the employee group change, which will prompt the benefit payout question. An adjustment will need to be processed in the PARIS for the vacation payout.


Miscellaneous FAQs

My supervisor isn’t correct, what should I do?

Employees should notify their unit HR. Unit HR will be able to submit a ticket to Technology Solutions to update the supervisor.


My supervisor is listed incorrectly as Cheri Canfield, why is this?

Your unit has not set you up as an Employee using GoTime to request time off so as a default Cheri Canfield is listed as your supervisor. You are set up as an approver. You should not request time off in GoTime but instead send your requests directly to your supervisor outside of GoTime.

Can an employee request FMLA or VESSA in GoTime?

The leave types are available in Go Time, however the employee should go through the normal approval process first before submitting leave coded as FML or VESSA. Reference information for reporting leave time can be found in the Earn Codes for Exempt (not overtime eligible) Civil Service Employees on Partial Paid or Unpaid Leave HR Information Alert that was sent out on September 3, 2021.

When should an employee submit a request for leave GoTime?

Employees should submit leave time requests with as much advanced notice as possible, employees should follow department’s established time off process for requesting leave. Unplanned leave should be submitted as soon as the employee returns from leave. Supervisors should approve/deny leave timely as well. As a general rule, leave should be approved/denied within a week of the receiving the request.


Does GoTime connect with Payroll?

No, there is not a connection with Payroll. If an employee requests unpaid time the unit HR will need to process an adjustment via PARIS to avoid an overpayment, otherwise the employee will receive their normal pay. See Current Pay Adjustment Resource Guide for Civil Service Exempt Employees. https://www.obfs.uillinois.edu/common/pages/DisplayFile.aspx?itemId=253254


HR Administrators FAQs

When will GoTime feed balances to Banner form PEALEAV?

Twice a year during May and August/September


When will unit HR be able to see the employees in their units?

Technology Solutions is working on this role. They are targeting the end of November-beginning of December to have this role active.


When will reports be ready?

This is also a priority of Technology Solutions. They are working to make reports available at the end of November-beginning of December as well.



Article ID: 2302
Mon 10/4/21 4:24 PM
Thu 10/26/23 3:32 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

GoTime is an employee leave management system utilized at UIC.