How do I Access, Create, and Share files in UIC's OneDrive?

Provides information on accessing, creating, and sharing files in OneDrive.

Accessing your UIC OneDrive

You can log into UIC's OneDrive by going to

**Remember to use your email address and your Technology Solutions Common password to login.

View, Create, and Upload Files and Folders in OneDrive

In OneDrive, you can view and create files and folders and upload folders from your computer into your OneDrive space.

Viewing Files

To see all your folders and files, Click Documents on the left-hand menu. 

Creating Folders

To make a new folder, open the section or folder you want the new folder in. Then click the new document link. Select New folder from the menu. In the Create a new folder window, type a name for the folder in the Name box and click Save.


Creating a new File Using Microsoft Office Programs

You can use basic Microsoft Office programs by selecting the section or folder you want the new document in and clicking the new document link. Select the type of document you want to create from the menu. In the Create document window, type a name for the document in the Name box and click Ok. The document will now open in the appropriate program.

Uploading Files

To upload a file, open the folder or section you want to add the file to and then click the Files tab in the top left of the window. Click the Upload option. In the Add a document window, click the Choose File buttonSelect the document you want to upload. When you are finished, click Open


Sharing OneDrive Files and Folders

In the OneDrive menu click Share.


You will be presented with the dialog for assigning permissions. Now type in the Office 365 ID or Microsoft Account ID in the first box and type in a personal message in the second box (optional). You will have to put Office 365 ID or Microsoft Account ID in here.


When you click Share, an e-mail will be sent to the person you want to share the content with.

External users receive an e-mail with the link to the shared site:


This link contains an ID which is unique to the invitation you sent out. When the user click on the link, Office 365 presents following choice:


On this page, the user has a possibility to choose an identity provider. The first one is a Microsoft Account and the second one refers to the Office 365 ID (At UIC our email address is our Office 365 ID). When the user makes a selection, an appropriate login form will be presented. After the successful login, the user can access the shared content.

You can use similar procedure to share folders or individual files with external users:

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Article ID: 1520
Tue 1/19/21 9:14 PM
Mon 9/20/21 2:54 PM