How long is Echo360 data retained at UIC?

Note: this policy is currently on hold until further notice.

Echo360 data includes recordings, bookmarks, notes, and discussions.

Retention is as follows:

  • Encoded media (captures) are retained for 4 years before they are deleted. 
  • Manually deleted items are removed from Echo360 servers immediately.
  • Source Media Files in Echo360 will be automatically deleted as they reach 12 weeks (84 days) of age. In addition, all Source Media Files already beyond this age will be removed. This will not affect your output media files (those used for user download and playback), the ability to edit and re-use media, or any playback of media in the platform. Learn more:



Article ID: 1479
Fri 1/15/21 6:46 PM
Tue 2/27/24 10:46 AM