ITS offers an email forwarding service for life for all UIS graduates. This service allows UIS graduates to opt-in and provide a personal email address that all messages sent to their "NetID" account will be forwarded to.
This services goes into effect when a graduate’s NetID is de-activated three semesters after his/her last semester of enrollment. More information about our NetID Lifecycle can be found on our IT Policies webpage.
Opting In to Email Forwarding for Life
All UIS graduates are eligible for this service. You may opt in/out through the Email Forwarding for Life form.
You may return to this form to change your settings (including updating your personal email address). The form will become available once your student record is updated following graduation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Does this mean I get to keep all my current email?
A: No, your UIS mailbox will be deleted three semesters after your last semester of enrollment. Email forwarding for life does NOT provide you access to your UIS mailbox. You must still clean your mailbox (saving any messages/attachments you want to retain) before your NetID is de-activated.
Q. What happens when someone sends an email to my "NetID" account?
A. The email is automatically forwarded to the personal email address you provided when you opted-in to this service.
Q. Can I opt in or out later on?
A. Yes, you may return to the form to change your options at any time.
Q. Can I send email from my "NetID" account?
A. No, if you reply to an email that was forwarded to your personal account, the ‘From’ address will be your personal email account not your UIS email account.