How do I make a conference call on a Cisco phone?


Explains how someone can make a conference call


These instructions are for making a conference call with a Cisco VoIP phone. Please note that some UIC Cisco phones have calling restrictions, so you should confirm that the phone you plan to use can call off-campus and out of state.

  1. Start a standard conference call by calling participants: During a connected call, press Confrn to add another party to the call. Dial the participant's number. After connecting, press Confrn again. Repeat to add each participant.
  2. Invite current callers to join a standard conference call: Scroll to each target call on the line and press Select. From a selected call, press Join.
  3. View a list of participants: Choose an active conference and press ConfList. A * indicates the initiator.
  4. Remove a participant from the conference: If you are the conference initiator, you can press RmLstC or scroll to a name in the conference list and press Remove.



Article ID: 591
Fri 1/15/21 6:53 PM
Tue 10/15/24 12:17 PM

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