How do I get started with Pinnacle V7 Department Manager?


This article provides instructions on how to get started and gain access to Pinnacle V7 department Manager role.



This article provides instructions on how to get started and gain access to Pinnacle V7 department Manager role.

Pinnacle Manager Role

The Pinnacle Department Manager role gives you access to the following functions:

  • Search and view services for your academic or administrative unit.
  • Download results of a search.
  • View billing information for your academic or administrative unit.
  • Run the Pinnacle billing report for your academic or administrative unit.  Output for this report is in PDF format.
  • Run and email the custom Account Bill by CFOP report for a specific account number.  Output for this report is in Excel format.

How to Access Pinnacle 

The following sections illustrate how to access Pinnacle and perform these functions.

 1. Access Pinnacle

Use the following URL to access Pinnacle and login using your UIC NetID and password.

 2. Select Department Manager Role

 After logging in, Pinnacle displays the home screen with a circle in the upper right-hand corner.  The letter in the circle is the first letter of your name.

where to find circle with letter

Click in the circle with the letter.  The following window will be displayed.

department manager role identified

Since Department Managers are given also given the Account Manager role, the Department Manager and Account Manager roles will be displayed.  Click on Department Manager.

 3. Search and View Services

To search and view services, click on Services in the left-hand menu.  Then click on the Services submenu.  The following screen is displayed with the list of the Technology Solutions services for your academic or administrative unit(s).

where to find services in menu

Here are important definitions:

  • Department – chart following by the first three digits of your ORG (4 digits).  For example, 2424 is Technology Solutions’s department number.
  • Service Number – service ID such as telephone number or virtual server name.
  • User Defined ID – same as Department.
  • Service Type – type of service (e.g., VoIP, Virtual Server).  Click on the Select button next to Service Type to see the list of service types.

You may create a selective search by entering one or more search criteria.  Enter your search criteria and click the Search button.   Following is a search example for the VoIP service type for department 2424. 

example screen for VoIP service type

The following provides a partial view of the search results.

example search results

You may click on any service number link listed to see the details of the service.

You may also search on a specific service.  For example, the following screen shows how to search for the service 3124133662.

how to search for service 3124133662

 Following is the screen displayed after entering the service number and clicking the Search button.

find service 3124133662 link to click
Clicking on 3124133662 in the row displayed shows the details for that service.  The following screenshot illustrates some of the detail provided.

user information screen

4. Download Search Results

If results of search generates a list of services, you can export this list into a .csv file by clicking on the download icon as illustrated in this screen shot.

identifying download icon

A typical download message will appear at the bottom of the screen for you to save the search results to a .csv file.

example download message



 5. View Billing Information

To view billing information, click on Billing in the left hand menu.

shows billing in menu

The following sub-menu will be displayed.

sub-menu view


To view information, click on Department Billing.  You may search on a specific Billing Date or a Department.  You may also click the Search button to see the list of bill runs for all the departments to which you have access. 

where to locate search button

A list of the department’s month bill statements will be displayed.

example billing search results

You may click on any billing date to see billing detail.  Following is the result of clicking on the 28-May-2019.

where to find billing date

To view your unit’s bill statement for the billing period, click on the View Report button.  See following screen shot.

where to find view report button

A pop-up window will appear. 

example pop-up window

After several seconds, the unit’s bill statement will appear in the window in PDF format.  This statement can be either printed or downloaded.


 6. Recurring Charges and One Time Charges

The two options, Recurring Charges and One Time Charges, in the Billing menu allow you to list and download the recurring charges and one-time charges respectively.

where to find recurring and one-time chargers


For example, clicking Recurring Charges generates the following screen and listing.

example recurring charges screen

 You can search on any of the fields displayed.

find download button

*After generating a listing, you can export the results to a .csv file by clicking the export icon.


 7. Run Custom Account Bill by CFOP Report

To access the custom Account Bill by CFOP, select Report -> All Reports in the left-hand menu. The following screen with a list of reports is displayed.

identifying link to click

Click on the Account Bill by CFOP link.  (We suggest you hide the other reports.)


The following screen is displayed.  Click the Run button to run the report.  

where to find run button

The following window pops ups.

example report


Fill in the fields as follows:

  • In Output Name, assign a name to the output file.
  • Check the Notify by email box.
  • Check the Attach output to email box.
  • Enter your email address in the Cc for email field.
  • Enter the CFOP in the Account Number field.
  • Format is Chart-Fund-Org Code--Program.
  • Select the billing date for the Billing Date field. (Date format example 28-May-2019)

 Click the Run button.where to find the run button in report parameters


Note:  If you enter an incorrect CFOP, you will not receive an error message, rather the report generated will be blank.


 8. Access Report Output

In addition to receiving the output for the Custom Account Bill by CFOP report via email, you can access it directly in the system by selecting Report -> Outputs in the left-hand menu.  The following screen is displayed.

where to find outputs in menu

 The list of your report outputs is displayed.  Note that if you access this list immediately after running the report, the report may still be processing.  In this case, the icon next to the report will be flashing.  Your report outputs will remain in the system and listed here until you delete them.



Article ID: 578
Fri 1/15/21 6:52 PM
Mon 2/27/23 3:35 PM

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