How do I use GoTime?


GoTime is UIC's employee leave management system. This user guide is intented for use by UIC employees and supervisors who are utilizing GoTime.



GoTime is an employee leave management system, newly released in 2021. It is a web-based tool for employees to request or report time-off and track their benefit time usage. This is also a tool for supervisors to be notified of time-off requested by employees, acknowledge their approval or send it back for corrections. This document will guide you through how to utilize the system.

Table of Contents

Accessing GoTime

Access GoTime by visiting, and logging in using your UIC Netid and Password.

GoTime Login Screen



Requesting Time Off

There are two ways to request time-off. You can access the “New Request” link on the navigation menu


OR on the home page, you can select “New Request”.

GoTime screenshot

On the new request screen

  1. Select start and end date. If you are requesting a single date, the start date is the same as the end date.
  2. Select Leave Type*
  3. Select Leave Duration, whether its Full Day or Half Day
  4. Add comments, this is optional
  5. Click Submit

GoTime screenshot

Once submitted, the leave status is “Pending Approval”. An email notification is sent to the supervisor and an alternate supervisor if one is assigned.

Once a supervisor takes action on the request, an email confirmation with the status of the request will be sent to you. 

*As of implementation, all leave types (codes) may not be available.  If a specific leave type is not available please add a note to the comments section.  Your unit may need to process a pay adjustment if this occurs.

Viewing Submitted Leave Requests

All previously submitted and reviewed leave requests are displayed on the home page under two categories.

  • Active – This lists all leave items that are pending review by the supervisor and/or future dates
  • History – This lists all leave items that were reviewed by the supervisor and were in the past.

Viewing Leave Balance

Leave Balance is displayed on the home page, new request page and each leave item page.

GoTime screenshot


How is leave balance calculated?

Leave Balance is calculated using on the beginning balance, accrued leave hours and leave taken hours for the current year.

  • The beginning balance and accrued leave hours is based on Banner data.
  • The leave taken hours is based on leave reported in GoTime.
  • Year for vacation and sick is based on academic year for AP Employees and payroll year for CS Exempt Employees.
  • Year for floating holidays is July 1 – June 30 for all employees.

Leave balances will only be reported on Earning Statements one time per year.  Current balances can be viewed in Go Time.

Balances will be available for use based on your current accrual schedule, link for the Civil Service Vacation Accrual schedule can be found at  The accrual schedule is based on your years of service completed.

Unused cumulative sick and vacation time will roll over into the new payroll year which coincides with the Bi Weekly 19 pay period each year.  This will be your beginning available balance each reporting year.  Vacation days in excess of the maximum allowable will be forfeited.

Please note, vacation payouts at the time of termination are subject to the maximums stated in the Vacation Policy.

Viewing Projected Leave Balance

Employee’s can view their projected balances for the academic year.  This allows employees to view their current balances as well as project how much time will be available at the end of the year.  It also will notify the employee if they are projected to lose vacation time due to reaching their maximum for the year. 

Projected Leave Balance can be accessed using the "View Full Leave Balance" link in the leave balance section. It can also be access using the navigation menu on the right, by clicking the "Leave Balance" menu item. 

leave balance projections link


leave balance projections link

Beginning Balance: GoTime obtains beginning balance from Banner, it is the beginning balance from the start of the academic year. 

Accrued: GoTime obtains accrued leave from Banner, it is the leave hours accrued by the employee up till today.

Taken: This represents time-off taken by the employee for the current academic year, as reported in GoTime.

Balance: This represents the current leave balance, calculated based on the Beginning Balance, Accrued and Taken information.

Projected Accrued: Based on the accrual rates set for the employee, GoTime calculates how much time the employee will accrue by the end of the academic year. This includes hours accrued up till today plus the projected accrued till the end of the academic year. 

Projected Balance: This is represents leave balance calculated based on beginning balance, projected accrued and taken. For vacation only, the number in brackets is leave balance when maximum allowed is not applied and the number outside the brackets is the leave balance when maximum is applied. 

Projected Loss: For vacation only, this shows the number of hours the employee could lose due to reaching their maximum for the academic year, if not used. 

Projected Through Date: This represents the end date of the leave benefit year. For most leave types this is the end of the academic year, however, for Floating Holidays this is the end of the fiscal year. 

Correcting a Declined Time-off Request

An employee can edit a declined leave request, by expanding the accordion item of the declined leave date and clicking “Edit”. Corrections can be made to the leave type, leave duration and comments. Click “Update” to resubmit for approval. An employee may wish to delete the declined leave date, you do so by clicking the “Delete” button.

GoTime screenshot GoTime screenshot


Withdrawing/Canceling a Time-off Request

An employee can withdraw a leave request, by expanding the accordion item of a specific leave date and clicking the “Withdraw Button”. An email notification is sent to the supervisor to review your withdraw request. Once the withdraw request is approved by the supervisor, the leave date is deleted.

GoTime screenshot



Accessing Submitted Time-off Requests

A supervisor can access their employee’s time-off requests by accessing the “Manage Employees” link in the navigation menu. Then select the employee's name.

There are two ways to review leave items and take appropriate action to “Approve” or “Decline”.

  1. Click on “View Comments” to view individual leave item and take appropriate action to “Approve” or “Decline”
  2. You can also multi-select leave items and take appropriate action to “Approve” or “Decline”

Supervisor comments are optional. Once new requests are approved or declined an email notification is sent to the employee and the status of the leave item(s) are updated accordingly.

GoTime screenshot


Accessing Withdrawn/Cancelled Requests

A withdraw request is accessed in the similar way as a new request.

When a withdraw request is approved by the supervisor it is automatically deleted and email notification is sent to the employee.

When a withdraw request is declined by the supervisors it is automatically “Approved” and an email notification is sent to the employee.


Getting Support

Employees and supervisors can request support for the GoTime application by visiting the GoTime service page and selecting the Request Support button.



Article ID: 2262
Tue 8/17/21 3:44 PM
Mon 8/8/22 10:39 AM

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GoTime is an employee leave management system utilized at UIC.