How do I use the incentives feature in Qualtrics?


Qualtrics has an integration enabled called Tango Card / Rewards Genius. This integration will allow you to easily configure any Qualtrics survey to automatically send a reward link (gift card) to respondents upon survey completion.


Qualtrics provides integration with BHN Rewards to enable financial incentives for surveys. This integration will allow you to easily configure any Qualtrics survey to automatically send a reward link (gift card) to respondents upon survey completion.

BHN Rewards Set Up in Qualtrics:

1. Create a BHN rewards account:

2. Set up a workflow in Qualtrics to give an incentive when a survey is completed:


Step-by-Step Set Up Instructions:

BHN Rewards set up:

 1. Set up an account at Sign into BHN Rewards:       

          Log into your BHN Awards account

2. Use drop down menu to give reason why you are using BHN Rewards.  

           Let BHN know the reason for your incentive

3. Click the Create your first campaign button to get started.

Create a Campaign


4. Give your campaign a name and a type.

Complete setting up your Campaign


5. Scroll down and choose how much money you want to give as an award.

Add money to your campaign


6. Choose which gift card reward you want to give.

Choose what type of gift card you would like to award


7. It will ask you to add recipients you can choose the skip for now button.


8. You can customize the email by adding your logo and the body of text in the email.


9. Next you can customize the rewards page if you choose to do so.

Awards page customization


10. Finally, you will need to upload the funds for the gift card.

Add money to gift card use credit/debit card info


Qualtrics set up:

1. Go to your survey:



2. Go to Workflows:


3. Connect your BHN Awards:

4. Connect to a campaign:



Article ID: 1037
Fri 1/15/21 7:22 PM
Fri 3/28/25 4:33 PM

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