Can I use a document camera with Zoom?

A USB-connected document camera or webcam can be used with Zoom.

Sharing Multiple Camera Feeds


  • You can share a feed from a second camera in order to show students a document camera or an alternate view. 
  • A camera connected to your computer can be used as the second device to show a document, a physical whiteboard, or an activity taking place in the room. 
  • A smartphone or tablet connected to your computer can be used as the second camera feed in Zoom. 


For Zoom

1. Enter a Zoom meeting and click the Share Screen Option.

identifying the share screen button

2. To share from a built-in second camera, click the Advanced tab, then click on Content from 2nd Camera, and click Share.


To use your smartphone as a camera feed with Zoom

1. On an iOS or Android device, join a Zoom meeting using the Zoom app. Choose the 'join without video' option when joining from the device - you will turn on the video when you are ready to begin presenting. Do not join audio from the device.

2. When you are ready to begin presenting, click Start Video on the device. The view from the camera on the device will be displayed in the Zoom meeting. You may also, as the host, click Ask to Start Video on the participant in the participant's list in the main Zoom window.

highlighting start video icon

where to find ask to start video option

3. When you are finished sharing from the device, click Stop Video on the device. You may also, as the host, click Stop Video on the participant in the participant's list in the main Zoom window.

highlighting stop video icon

how to stop video

Note: If you are connected to the meeting with a device which has a rear-facing camera that camera will activate and share to the meeting. You can also switch between the front and back cameras by clicking 'Switch Camera' at the top left.

          It is suggested that you Spotlight the video being shown on your device so participants see it in the area for sharing content.

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Article ID: 473
Fri 1/15/21 5:46 PM
Mon 7/10/23 1:06 PM