How do I Migrate Files from Google Drive to Box?

This article is intended for migrating large amounts of data from Google Drive into Box Secure Storage using the Box web interface. If you are looking to move just a few files to Box you may want to download the files and/or folders from Drive and follow the instructions to Upload Files.

If you have a large amount of data to get into Box and need assistance please reach out to us.

Make an archive of your Google Drive files

  1. Go to the Download your data page on Google Takeout.
  2. Deselect all the options and put a check mark next to Drive to select itand click Next at the bottom.
  3. Select the desired archive format (File Type) and Delivery Method.
    NOTE:  The default .zip file is likely fine.

  4. Click on Create archive.

  5. Download the archive by clicking on the Download button.

  6. The archive will be downloaded.

    Google also sends an email when the archive is ready for download.

Extract the files directly to Box

  1. Log into the Box web interface.
  2. Find the desired Box folder you'd like to add the files to and drag them from your downloads (or wherever you saved the downloaded files on your computer) into the desired folder or other location within your Box account.
    NOTE: There are multiple directories inside the archive you downloaded from Google.  You'll, likely, want to open that archive and select the actual files you'd like to upload.
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Article ID: 2674
Wed 3/15/23 11:44 AM
Fri 3/24/23 10:34 AM