How do I configure my macOS device to connect to UIC Exchange email?

Technology Solutions recommends the use of the official Outlook app for macOS. However, if you are running iOS 12 or newer, you can connect to the UIC Exchange system using the default Mail/Calendar clients on iOS. To do so, follow these instructions:

  1. Select the Apple Menu > System Preferences > Internet Accounts
  2. Select Exchange on the right.
  3. Enter your Full Name in the Name field.
  4. Enter your UIC email address in the Email Address field.
  5. Select Sign In.
  6. Select Sign In again to allow Mail to auto-discover the correct configuration (do not select Configure Manually).
  7. At the UIC login screen prompt, enter your UIC email address and UIC password.
  8. You will then be prompted for Duo 2FA verification - proceed through these prompts.
  9. On the next screen, select the items you want to be able to access, then select Done.
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Article ID: 2359
Thu 1/6/22 4:59 PM
Thu 1/6/22 4:59 PM