Setting Placement assignment dates


When assigning a Cooperating Teacher and/or University Supervisor to a student’s placement, you are required to record the start and end dates of the assignment.

Note: A cooperating teacher will not receive a waiver if the assignment duration is less than 3 days and the contact hours are under 45 hrs.

Assignment Start date recommendations

  • Set the start date to the beginning of the semester unless the student is beginning the assignment later in the semester.

Assignment End date recommendations

  • Set the end date to be a date after the start date
  • Set the end date to the last day in the semester or the last date of the student’s assignment.

Impacts of assignment start and end dates

Assignment date considerations for ensuring a mid-term evaluation is generated:

  • The assignment duration is longer than 11 days and
  • If the program of the assignment/placement is in Secondary Education, Kinesiology, or Music Education then a mid-term evaluation will only be generated if
    • the assignment start date is before or equal to March 1st for Spring semester or
    • the assignment start date is before or equal to October 15th for Fall semester.

Assignment date considerations for ensuring a final evaluation is generated:

  • Student teaching:

Table: Assignment Date Considerations by Role

Evaluation Submitted by

Assignment Date Considerations

University Supervisor

  • Assignment duration must be greater than 11 days

Cooperating Teacher

  • Assignment duration must be greater than 11 days
  • If the program of the assignment/placement is in Secondary Education, Kinesiology, or Music Education then a final evaluation will only be generated if
    • Assignment end date greater than March 15th for Spring semester or October 30th for Fall semester


  • Assignment duration must be greater than 11 days
  • If the program of the assignment/placement is in Secondary Education, Kinesiology, or Music Education then a final evaluation will only be generated if
    • Assignment end date greater than March 15th for Spring semester or October 30th for Fall semester
  • Early Field Experience:

    • All evaluation assignment date considerations are the same:
      • Assignment duration must be greater than 11 days
      • If the program of the assignment/placement is in Secondary Education, Kinesiology, or Music Education then a mid-term evaluation will only be generated if
        • Assignment end date greater than March 15th for Spring semester or October 30th for Fall semester

When does a student see a placement?

A student will see placements once the placement start date has passed.



Article ID: 2816
Wed 1/24/24 11:28 AM
Thu 2/29/24 12:31 PM