College Executive Committee (CEC)


The College Executive Committee (CEC) consists of seven faculty members, of which no more than three shall be from one department. Each department will elect a tenure system representative with an electorate determined by department bylaws. The remaining College Executive Committee members will be elected at large through a College-wide vote of the faculty in the Spring semester. Two at-large seats shall be held by tenure system faculty and one at-large seat shall be held by specialized faculty. The Dean of the College is an ex-officio member and CEC Chair, and at its first meeting, the CEC elects a tenure system faculty moderator. The College Executive Committee represents the voices and concerns of the College of Education faculty in college deliberations. The College Executive Committee is the primary advisory committee to the Dean of the College and shall transact such business as may be delegated to it by the faculty and the Statutes.  All CEC meetings are open except when specific personnel matters are being considered, and the agenda and minutes of each meeting are posted here.

College Executive Committee (Voting Members)

Department elected members 2024-2026 
Assistant Professor Jessica Hardy, Special Education
Assistant Professor Rebecca Hinze-Pifer, Education Policy, Organization and Leadership
Associate Professor Chris Napolitano, Educational Psychology
Assistant Professor Catherine Dornfeld Tissenbaum, Curriculum and Instruction 

College elected at-large members 2023-2024
Professor Lorenzo Baber, Education Policy, Organization and Leadership
Professor Robb Lindgren, Education Psychology/Curriculum and Instruction
Teaching Professor Barbara Hug, Curriculum and Instruction

College Executive Committee (Non-Voting Members)

Chrystalla Mouza, Dean
Amanda Brown, staff
Danielle Ward, staff




Article ID: 2458
Fri 7/1/22 11:19 AM
Thu 8/8/24 11:55 AM