Common Acronyms at the College of Education


  • 2FA: Two Factor Authentication. This is implemented through AzureAD or Shibboleth ("Shib").
  • AERA: American Educational Research Association
  • AESA: Association of Educational Services Agencies
  • APC: Academic Programs Committee
  • ASHE: Association for the Study of Higher Education
  • BER: Bureau of Educational Research. 
  • BOT: Board of Trustees
  • BusOps: Business Operations: Finance, Human Resource, and Facilities. 
  • CEC: College Executive Committee is the primary advisory committee to the dean on matters such as budget; personnel policies; faculty searches; academic programs; policies and requirements; space allocation; and other policy issues of importance.
  • CGC: College Grievance Committee. The CGC may receive confidential inquiries and complaints from faculty, specialized faculty, staff, and students after informal and departmental processes have been exhausted, including allegations of capricious grading or evaluation, and charges of academic dishonesty. 
  • CI: Curriculum and Instruction. 
  • CITL: Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (campus unit focused on strengthening teaching efforts and improving student outcomes).
  • COD: Council of Deans (campus deans)
  • CoDE: Committee of Department Executives. CoDE consists of Heads and Chairs of academic units in the College of Education and the Associate Deans.
  • COE: College of Education. Located at 1310 S. Sixth St., Champaign IL 61820-6925
  • CoTE: College of Teacher Education
  • CPS: Chicago Public Schools
  • CRC: Children's Research Center. 51 Gerty Ave, Champaign. Contains research areas like the Bureau of Educational Research, OCCRL, and TIER-ED.
  • CREA: Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment, a research area within the College of Education
  • CTRL: Creative Technology Research Lab (at Green Street).
  • DE: Diversity and Equity in Education
  • DELTA: Digital Environments for Learning, Teaching and Agency, a program within Curriculum and Instruction
  • DM: Digital Measures (formerly also known as Activity Insight), where faculty used to organize their publications and digital profile.
  • Doodle: Online calendar tool for coordinating meetings (
  • DPI: Discovery Partners Institute
  • EAL: Educational Administration and Leadership
  • ECC: Early Childhood Collective (formerly ECAP, Early Childhood and Parenting Collaborative), at CRC.
  • EDUC: Education Building (not to be confused with EB, the English Building).
  • EJP: Education Justice Project
  • EOL: Education Organization and Leadership
  • EPOL: Education Policy, Organization, and Leadership. 
  • EPS: Education Policy
  • EPSY: Education Psychology. 
  • F&S: Facilities and Services, a campus department that handles building maintenance
  • Forum: Forum on the Future of Public Education, an initiative from the College of Education 
  • GPC: Graduate Programs Committee
  • GSE: Global Studies in Education
  • GSSO: Graduate Student Services Office.
  • HRD: Human Resource Development
  • ICES: Instructor Course Evaluation System (CITL end-of-semester student ratings of faculty, TAs, and courses).
  • IDEALL: Illinois Digital Ecologies and Learning Laboratory
  • IEAL: International Education, Administration, & Leadership
  • IGET: Interest Group for Educational Technology at Illinois
  • IHR: Illinois Human Resources
  • IIN: Illinois Innovation Network
  • INTC: Illinois New Teacher Collaborative, a yearly conference and resource for new teachers. 
  • ISBE: Illinois State Board of Education
  • I-STECS: Illinois Secondary Teacher Education and Computer Science, an initiative of the College of Education focusing on an endorsement in computer science education for secondary teachers and a yearly summit.
  • ITAL: IT Accessibility Liaison (campus wide initiative of local resources partnering with Technology Accessibility Review Committee (TARC) to improve digital accessibility across campus).
  • ITP: Information Technology Partners, a department in the College of Education
  • LDL: Learning Design and Leadership
  • LES: Learning and Education Sciences
  • LMS, Moodle, Canvas: Learning Management System, a software learning platform or course management system. Moodle and Canvas are two popular systems. 
  • MOOC: Massive Open Online Course
  • MSTE: Office of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (at CRC, was at Green Street).
  • MTC: Master Track Certificate
  • NCTQ: National Council on Teacher Quality
  • NESSIE / My: Two systems used to securely view and update personal and employment information. NESSIE is the official record, and MyEducation is another portal used for vacation and appointments. 
  • NILOA: National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, a research and resource of the College of Education.
  • OAE: Office for Access & Equity, a campus department to promote diversity and inclusion
  • OCCRL: Office of Community College Research and Leadership (at CRC).
  • OLOAC: Online Learning Operational Advisory Committee
  • PCard / TCard: MasterCard used to purchase supplies and small equipment (PCard) or qualified travel expenses and business meals/events (TCard)
  • SAAO: Student Academic Affairs Office. 
  • SCE: School and Community Experiences
  • Small Urban: Center for Education in Small Urban Communities
  • SPED: Special Education. 
  • TEM: Travel and Expense Management System
  • TIER-ED: Technology Innovation in Educational Research and Design, a research area at CRC.
  • UIN: University Identification Number, the number on your iCard that identifies you
  • UPS: University Primary School, a PreK - 5th grade school at the Children’s Resource Center
  • YLF: Youth Literature Festival, yearly festival run by COE.
  • Zoom: Cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars



Article ID: 2441
Thu 6/30/22 2:58 PM
Tue 1/9/24 6:03 PM