Leave and Vacation time

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The College of Education uses an online Academic Vacation Sick Leave (AVSL) Reporting tool, developed by Engineering, for tracking and reporting the vacation and sick leave of academic employees. The system gives College academic employees and managers easily accessible, real time information about benefits usage. Academic employees use the tool to submit quarterly leave reports that are in turn loaded into Banner for the May and August reporting periods.

Accessing the Application

The AVSL tool has been prepared for your use so you can enter leave-related information, check your balances, or “finalize” a reporting period. You can access it at: https://my.education.illinois.edu/vacation where you will be prompted to enter your username and password from the active directory at the UofI.

Entering Leave

Once logged in, you will be automatically taken to the submitdays screen. To enter leave (i.e., vacation, sick leave, floating holidays, other-funeral, jury duty, parental, etc) simply select the correct date on the calendar and click the appropriate radio buttons for type of day and amount of time and then click on the Submit for Approval button. You will have to do this for each day, you cannot select a range of days. The usage should show up as “pending” in the reporting detail at the bottom right of the screen. Your supervisor or unit approver will then receive an automated e-mail and can approve/verify your entry.

Please know that Academic Professionals report their time in half day (4 hours) and full day (8 hours) increments. If you are absent for less than a half-day, leave benefits should not be used for that absence. However, you should still follow any procedures your supervisor has established for requesting and using leave benefits. Following is a link to the full leave reporting policy: http://nessie.uihr.uillinois.edu/pdf/Policy/Exempt_Leave_Reporting_FAQ.pdf.

Your Leave Balances

The table in the upper right corner of the screen is a summary of your benefit time. These amounts can be displayed in days or hours by clicking on the first line under the table in blue stating: Display summary in days or Display summary in hours. The amount on the rows entitled: Accrued through, Used through and Balance on are calculated as of the day that is clicked on the calendar in the left corner. This allows you to see accruals and balances for any day of the year.

Finalize or Certify at End of Quarter

At the end of each quarter (November 16, February 16, May 16, and August 16) you will need to certify your leave usage. You will receive an automated reminder at the end of each quarter. To certify your quarterly usage, login to my.education and access the submitdays screen, there will be a table entitled “Reporting Period Signature Due” in the middle right of the screen. You will need to verify the usage listed in the table by clicking on the button under the table that states “No Time Used” or “Finalize Period.”

Signing Out

Sign out from the system by selecting that option from the my.education drop down menu.

Note about Balances and Floating Holidays

Please know that the fiscal year for vacation and sick leave is August 16th to August 15th and the fiscal year for floating holidays is July 1st to June 30th. For this reason the system is not always accurate for Floating Holiday balances, but the requested dates for Floating Holidays can be reviewed on the screen and a balance determined.

Positive Time Reporting Tool

The State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (SOEEA) mandates that all Academic Professional and Civil Service employees document all hours worked (twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week) while conducting official University business. The link to this is at https://hrnet.uihr.uillinois.edu/PTRApplication/index.cfm

For More Help

As always, if you have any difficulty, please contact the HR Unit at 333-0260 or by e-mail at hr@education.illinois.edu and someone will be happy to assist you or you can contact Stephanie Haas directly at 244-6920.

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