Which campus locations support wireless network access?


UIC-WiFi is ubiquitous within UIC and available in most public and student occupied space throughout campus.


UIC-WiFi is ubiquitous within UIC and available in most public and student occupied space throughout campus.

For specific locations, please check the UIC campus map, or the list of locations below.

East Campus

  • 1333 South Halsted Building (1333) - 1333 South Halsted
    • Suites 205, 221, 260, and 380
  • Addams Hall (AH) - 830 South Halsted
    • All floors
  • Architecture and Design Studios (ADS) - 845 West Harrison
    • Rooms 1300, 2100, 2300, 3100, 3300, 4100, 4300, 5300, B510, and B1201
  • Art and Design Hall (ADH) - 400 South Peoria
    • Room 2115
  • Behavioral Science Building (BSB) - 1007 West Harrison
    • 1st floor in the cafeteria/lounge area, including faculty lounge
    • All lecture rooms including 140, 145, 250
    • All clustered classrooms on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors
    • Rooms 1073 and 2004
    • Rooms 1115, 1129, 1139, 1171
    • Rooms 1140 through 1168
    • Rooms 4005, 4061, and 4105
  • Burnham Hall (BH) - 828 South Halsted Street
    • All floors
  • College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs Hall (CUPPAH) - 412 South Peoria
    • Rooms 131, 261, and 245
  • Douglas Hall (DH) - 705 South Morgan
    • All floors
  • Education, Theatre, Music & Social Work (ETMSW) - 1040 West Harrison
    • Rooms 2217, 2233, 2417, and 2433
    • Rooms 4000g, 4100, 4200C, and 4400
  • Engineering Research Facility (ERF) - 842 West Taylor
    • 1st floor classrooms
    • 3rd floor west
  • Grant Hall (GH) - 703 South Morgan
    • All floors
  • Henry Hall (HH) - 935 West Harrison
    • All floors
  • James J. Stukel Towers (JJST) - 718 West Rochford
    • All floors
  • Jane Addams Hull-House (JAH) - 800 South Halsted
    • All floors & dining hall
  • Jefferson Hall (JH) - 929 West Harrison
    • All floors
  • Lecture Center A through Lecture Center F
    • All rooms
  • Lincoln Hall (LH) - 707 South Morgan
    • All floors
  • Richard J. Daley Library (LIB) - 801 South Morgan
    • All floors
  • Marie Robinson Hall (MRH) - 811 West Maxwell Street
    • All floors
  • Student Residence and Commons North (SRCN) - 600 South Halsted
    • All floors
  • Student Residence and Commons South (SRCS) - 901 West Harrison
    • All floors
  • Student Residence and Commons West (SRCW) - 700 South Halsted
    • All floors
  • Physical Education Building(PEB) - 901 West Roosevelt Road
    • Classrooms B17A, 117, and 217
    • Room 356
  • Rice Building (RB) - 815 West Van Buren
    • Suite 430
  • Science and Engineering Laboratory East (SELE) - 950 South Halsted
    • Rooms 2262A and 2267
    • 2nd floor study carrels
    • Room 3287C
    • 4th floor lounge
  • Science and Engineering Offices (SEO) - 851 South Morgan
    • 2nd though 13th floors
  • Science and Engineering South (SES) - 845 West Taylor
    • Bunsen Cafe on the 2nd floor
    • Rooms 230, 238, 250, and 274 in west building
    • Rotunda in east building
    • Rooms 2073, 2214, and 2360
    • Room 4218
  • Stevenson Hall (SH) - 701 South Morgan
    • All floors
  • Student Center East (SCE) - 750 South Halsted
    • The Illinois Room
    • The Inner Circle
    • Montgomery Ward Lounge
    • The Pier Room
    • 3rd floor south (student organizations)
  • Student Center East Tower (SCET) - 750 South Halsted
    • 1st through 7th floor
  • Student Recreation Facility (SRF) - 737 South Halsted
    • First floor lobby
  • Student Services Building (SSB) - 1200 West Harrison
    • Innovation Center and Main Lobby
    • Rooms 1000, 1020, 1050, 1074, 1105, 1150, 1190, 1800, 1831, 2006, 2300, and 2620
  • Taft Hall (TH) - 826 South Halsted Street
    • All floors
  • Thomas Beckham Hall (TBH) - 1250 South Halsted
    • All floors
  • Transportation Facility (TF) - 1351 South Morgan
    • 1st floor
  • University Hall (UH) - 601 South Morgan
    • Room B4
    • 1st Floor
    • 2nd Floor Cafe
    • Room 401
    • Suite 820
    • Room 1201
    • Room 2028, and 2050
    • 7th, 11th, 14th,21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 27th, and 28th floors

West Campus

  • Administrative Office Building (AOB) - 1737 West Polk
    • 3rd floor
  • Applied Health Sciences Building (AHSB/AHP) 1919 West Taylor
    • 1st floor lounge
    • 2nd floor
    • 5th floor lounge
    • 8th floor
    • Rooms 197, 208, 244, 261, 349, 607, and 843
  • Benjamin Goldberg Research Building (BGRC) - 1940 West Taylor
    • Basement and 1st floor
  • Biologic Resources Laboratory (BRL) - 1840 West Taylor
    • Basement
  • Clinical Sciences North (CSN) - 820 South Wood
    • 2nd floor
    • Suite 300
  • Clinical Services Building (CSB) - 840 South Wood
    • Rooms 345 and 350
    • 3rd, 9th, and 11th floors
  • College of Dentistry (DENT) - 801 South Paulina
    • 1st floor Ortho clinic
    • 230D, 330D
    • 4th floor lecture halls, 430D lab, 4th floor lounge areas
    • 5th floor lounge areas
  • College of Medicine East Tower (CMET) - 808 South Wood
    • Rooms 260, 465, and 367
    • Rooms 875, 888, and 986
  • College of Medicine Research Building (COMRB) - 909 South Wolcott
    • All floors
  • College of Medicine West (CMW) - 1819 West Polk and College of Medicine West Tower (CMWT) - 1853 West Polk
    • Basement student lounge
    • Rooms 112, 119, 131D, 124, 106, 204L, 309, 311, 618
    • Lecture halls 423 and 221
    • 5th floor Anatomy wing
    • 5th floor Gross Anatomy lab
  • Disability, Health, and Social Policy Building (DHSP) - 1640 West Roosevelt
    • Suite 514
    • Room 204
  • Eye and Ear Infirmary (EEI) - 1855 West Taylor Street
    • Room 3.41
  • Library of Health Sciences (LHS) - 1750 West Polk
    • All floors
  • Lions of Illinois Eye Research Institute (LIERI) - 1905 West Taylor Street
    • Room 163
  • Medical Center Administration Building (MCA) - 914 South Wood
    • 1st floor
  • Medical Sciences Building (MSB) - 835 South Wolcott Avenue
    • Suite 116
    • 5th and 7th floors
  • Molecular Biology Research Building (MBRB) - 900 South Ashland
    • 2nd and 3rd floors
  • College of Nursing (NURS) - 845 South Damen Avenue
    • Basement, 1st, and 6th floor
    • Room 206
  • Neuropsychiatric Institute (NPI) - 912 South Wood
    • Room 575
  • College of Pharmacy (PHARM) 833 South Wood
    • All floors
  • Paulina Street Building (PSB) - 1140 South Paulina
    • 1st and 2nd floors
  • Polk Street Residence Hall (PSR) - 1933 West Polk Street
    • All floors
  • School of Public Health and Psychiatric Institute (SPHPI) - 1601 West Taylor
    • 1st floor and 6th-11th floors
  • Student Center West (SCW) - 828 South Wolcott
    • 1st floor cafeteria and lounge areas
    • 2nd floor Conference Rooms and lounge area on the south side of the building
    • Recovery Room
    • Publications
  • Sport and Fitness Center (SFC) - 828 South Damen
    • Sports Center Lobby
  • School of Public Health West (SPHW) - 2121 West Taylor
    • 1st floor classrooms
    • 3rd, 4th, and 5th floors
  • Single Student Residence (SSR) - 809 South Damen Avenue
    • All floors
  • Student Residence Hall (SRH) - 818 South Wolcott
    • All floors
  • Westside Research Office Building (WROB) - 1747 West Roosevelt
    • Rooms 400, 455, 460



Article ID: 966
Fri 1/15/21 7:17 PM
Mon 6/7/21 4:52 PM