How do I use PbUpdate?


Explains how designated Phonebook Contacts can use PbUpdate


Explains how designated Phonebook Contacts can use PbUpdate

PbUpdate is used by designated Phonebook Contacts to add or update employee information to the UIC Directory. You will need to use PbUpdate for one of the following scenarios:


  • You need to add a brand new employee to the Directory: the employee needed to be added to the Directory was never a student or staff member in any of the University of Illinois campuses
  • You need to add previous University affiliate to the Directory: the employee was either a student or staff at any one of the University of Illinois campuses
  • You need to remove an employee from the Directory: an employee has left your department
  • You need to modify a current UIC employee's information: contact information for an employee needs to be updated


It is recommended that you search for the employee via their UIN before anything else. If the employee was previously employed at UIC or at any of the other University of Illinois campuses, it is recommended that the UIN or NetID be used to search for them in PbUpdate. Employees who were previous employees or students at any of the University of Illinois campuses will continue to use their previously assigned NetID. Please view the PbContacts FAQ for more information about NetID's.


Note: The employee must have a valid/active affiliation in a department you are PbContact for in order for you to make changes to their Directory record and because multiple affiliations in multiple departments are allowed, you will only be able to modify contact information that is associated with the department you are an authorized PBContact for.



Article ID: 853
Fri 1/15/21 7:11 PM
Thu 5/27/21 12:07 PM

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