How do HR Administrators use GoTime?


GoTime is UIC's employee leave management system. This HR Admin user guide is intented for use by HR managers at UIC whose departments are utilizing GoTime.



GoTime is an employee leave management system. This document is meant to be used by HR Managers/Administrators at UIC whose departments utilize GoTime for time-off reporting. This document will guide HR Administrators how to utlize the HR Admin portal in GoTime. 

Table of Contents

How to access the HR Admin portal

How to add a new employee to GoTime

How to update details for an existing employee

How to update existing schedule for an existing employee in GoTime

How add a new schedule for an existing employee in GoTime

How to generate leave and employee reports in GoTime

How to view employee leaves and leave balance? 

When an employee is incapacitated and unable to submit a leave, how can a HR Admin add new leaves on behalf of the employee?

How to perform a Banner upload during the May and August upload periods?  

 How to access the HR Admin portal

Log into GoTime, in the navigation menu access “HR Admin” menu item

 How to add a new employee to GoTime

Step 1: On the HR Admin landing page, click “Add user” button

Step 2: Enter UIN of the new employee, click “Look-Up User” to check if UIN does not already exists in GoTime. The system will give an error if the employee already exists in GoTime.

Step 3: Enter all employee details that are asked on the screen. Click “Continue to Schedule”

Step 4: Enter Schedule in number of hours, click “Add User”

Step 5: Verify information on the summary screen, click “Confirm Add”

 How to update details for an existing employee

Step 1: On the HR Admin landing page, click “View/Edit Users”

Step 2: Enter UIN and click “Look-up User”

Step 3: Update Details and click “Update User Details”.

Step 4: Verify updates on the summary screen and click “Confirm & Update User”

 How to update existing schedule for an existing employee on GoTime

Step 1: On the View/Edit Screen, on the “Schedule” tab, select schedule you want to update from the dropdown. Click “Unlock Schedule” to start editing the schedule.

Step 2: Update the hours, enter 0 for nothing and click “Update Schedule”

Step 3: If there are conflicts with existing leave requests, the system will list all conflicts. You can work with the employee to resolve all conflicts before updating the schedule or go ahead with updating the schedule. Leave requests that are in the conflict with the update in schedule will be moved to the “conflict” state. Employees will receive an alert that there have been conflicts due to a schedule update. They will need to delete the conflicts and recreate new leave requests if they wish to.

Conflict as seen on employee screen

 How to add a new schedule for an existing employee in GoTime

Step 1: On the View/Edit screen, select “Add New Schedule” from the dropdown

Step 2: Pick an effective start date from the calendar, enter number of hours for each day of the week. Enter 0 if nothing

Step 3: Click “Add Schedule”

If there are conflicts with existing leave requests, the system will list all conflicts. You can work with the employee to resolve all conflicts before updating the schedule or go ahead with updating the schedule. Leave requests that are in the conflict with the new schedule will be moved to the “conflict” state. Employees will receive an alert that there have been conflicts due to a schedule update. They will need to delete the conflicts and recreate new leave requests if they wish to.

 How to generate leave and employee reports in GoTime

Step 1: On the HR Admin landing page, select “Generate Reports”

Step 2: There are three reports an HR Admin can generate. Click on the desired report. Requests for reports are queued for processing. Once processed, report is emailed to the HR Admin within 20-30 minutes.


How to view employee leaves and leave balance? 

Step 1: On the HR Admin landing page, select "View/Edit User" 

Step 2: Enter employee UIN to look up employee

Step 3: Once the employee information is pulled up, select the "Leaves" tab, this should display employee's leave balance and leaves. 

When an employee is incapacitated and unable to submit a leave, how can a HR Admin add new leaves on behalf of the employee? 

Step 1: On the HR Admin landing page, select "View/Edit User" 

Step 2: Enter employee UIN to look up employee

Step 3: Once the employee information is pulled up, select the "Leaves" tab 

Step 4: Select "New Request" and follow the steps on the screen to submit a new leave. Once submitted, the new leave is automatically approved and an email notification is sent out to the employee and their supervisor(s). 

How to perform a Banner Upload during the May and August upload period? 

Step 1: On the HR Admin landing page, select "Banner Upload" button. Note: Only College Level HR Admins are able to access this option.

Step 2: Verify that you have completed the audit prior to performing this upload. 

Step 3: Add any exceptions that you want to exclude from this upload. Add UINs one at a time to the exception list. Exceptions will be excluded from this batch process. All exceptions should be processed manually by your department. 

Step 4: To validate your data prior to performing the final upload, you can select the "Validate Only" option. This option will validate your data and mock a Banner upload for your review. Whereas a Final Upload will actually upload leave data to Banner. Once submitted, you will receive the upload report for your review purposes within the next 20-30 minutes. 

Step 5: To perform the final upload, select the "Final Upload" option.  Add any exceptions as indicated in Step 3. Click "Review" to review the summary of the set up options. Next click "Confirm & Start Final Upload". Once submitted, you will receive the upload report for your review purposes within the next 20-30 minutes. 



Article ID: 2364
Thu 1/20/22 12:08 PM
Wed 5/10/23 3:10 PM