How do I ensure my Lecture Capture is recording audio?


The following tip can be used to confirm lecture capture is detecting an audio signal.


The following tip can be used to confirm lecture capture is detecting an audio signal.

If you'd like to confirm whether the lecture capture device is detecting an audio signal, all you need to do is look at the audio meter located on the right side of the Echo360 device. The Echo360 device is located in the equipment rack below the top of the lectern. The location of the audio meter is highlighted below in the red box. 
view of the front of the echo 360 device highlighting the audio meter
When using the lectern/wireless microphone or playing audio through any sources (lectern PC, laptop on the external HDMI input, etc), the audio meter will display vividly active (green, yellow, and red) lights. The lights will raise and lower from left to right depending on whatever audio source you're actively using in the room. 



Article ID: 1311
Fri 1/15/21 7:38 PM
Mon 9/30/24 5:17 PM